Macro UX — Applied Works Project (Week 19)

Binru Liu
3 min readApr 15, 2021

Brief: Design a way for people to experience The Hoffmann Centre collections.

Team: Eric, Giada, Luchen, Binru

Redesign Task 2

This week our goal was to continue to refine the in-game details and redesign Task 2. After discussion, the group decided to change Task 2 to explore a construction site because the process of constructing a building involves access to a variety of building materials and human activities that influence the environment. The process of constructing a building is very closely related to a “healthy built environment”.

Moreover, we divided our works. Eric was responsible for some works in the Figma, Giada and Luchen were responsible for game art. Furthermore, my work is redesigning and making the game of Task 2.

Interface in the game

We have created illustrations for the game and designed high-fi interfaces to make the game looks better. It improves the user experience of the player in the game.

New interfaces in the game

Unity Game (Task 2)

Due to time pressures and some technical issues, our group decided to use Unity to achieve the exploration experience in Task 2. Unity also provides an excellent immersive experience for the player.

It is important to note that I used some external resources and asked for help in making the Unity game. I built and laid out the game scenes by myself. Some of the models within the game scene were sourced from open source models available on the internet. I did the interaction part of the game under the guidance of a friend who guided me through the coding work.

The link for our game:

Scenes in the unity game

Game testing

Feedback and Reflection

After we showed the new Task 2 to our tutors and classmates, they liked the changes we had made and exploring the construction site was great fun. They suggested that we add an operation guide to the game because many players are confused when they first enter the game and do not know how to do something. We also invited everyone to play Task 2, and they hope there is more interaction in the game scenes.

Our group will continue to refine our game during the last week while preparing the final presentation.

